Administratief medewerker

Organisation Description: This organisation serves cross-cultural workers in Asia and around the world through clinical counselling, soul care, coaching, training and events. We are a Christian, donor-funded organisation based in a capital city in Asia. Job Description: Utilise your organisational skills and qualifications to provide essential administrative support to the Executive Director and the team…

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Hoofd Administratie

Organisation Description: The purpose of this center for trauma counseling is to train people in doing trauma counseling and to provide counseling care to victims of terrorism and violence, and their families. Once this center is well established, our vision is to organize satellite centers in other cities, as well to serve ‘the least of…

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Organisation Description: We are a Christian, inter-agency, international, non-profit cooperative that provides training, consultation, counselling, assessment, and opportunities for renewal for all expatriates living and working in this country. Our team consists of a variety of experienced and trained caring professionals. We aim for ethical, spiritual, and moral responsibility based on Biblical principles and founded…

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Schooldirecteur (betaald)

Organisation Description: This school is a non-profit ministry, which provides a quality Christian education for the children of Christian workers and lay persons in the capital and surrounding area. The course of study is based on an American curriculum. We also use the countryโ€™s rich historical and cultural heritage to enhance our childrenโ€™s educational experience.…

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Organisation Description: There is no organisation but various possibilities exist for starting a business. Job Description: There are a lot of opportunities for opening a business to work in the local market or abroad. Some businesses previously started by foreigners include coffee shops, handicraft sales, biblical tourism and language centres. Person Description: This role requires…

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Directie Assistent(e)

Organisation Description: This organisation offers support, advocacy and assistance for refugees living in a capital city in the Middle East. Job Description: We are looking for an assistant to the director of the ministry. The job involves working directly with refugees, whilst also helping to manage a team of volunteers, coordinating projects and communicating with…

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Leerkracht Basisschool

Krijg jij energie van kinderen, heb je een achtergrond in het onderwijs en wil je dit combineren in een internationale setting? Dan ben jij misschien wel รฉรฉn van de basisschoolleerkrachten die deze school in Zuid-Aziรซ zoekt! Over jouw werkplek Je komt te werken op een kleine basisschool (30-35 leerlingen) met combinatieklassen van gemiddeld drie leerjaren…

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Leerkrachten (betaald)

Ben jij een ervaren en gedreven leerkracht? Voor diverse scholen in de Arabische wereld zijn we op zoek naar gedreven en ervaren leerkrachten.  Meerdere scholen in de Arabische wereld zoeken goed opgeleide docenten die hun leerlingen volgens het Amerikaanse schoolsysteem kunnen onderwijzen. Het onderwijs dat op deze scholen gegeven wordt is zowel op basisschool- als…

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Agrarisch Proces Manager

Voor een bedrijf in de Kaukasus dat werkzaam is in de Diervoerdersector zijn we op zoek naar een ervaren en gedreven procesmanger/ingenieur. Het jonge bedrijf dat diervoeders aanbiedt aan mellkveebedrijven in deze regio is inmiddels een aantal jaar actief. Naast dit aanbod bieden zij ook hun advies over voerrantoensen voor melkvee aan zijn zij werkzaam…

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Organisation Description: The International Church of this capital city is an evangelical protestant church in the heart of Central Asia, serving the English-speaking local and expatriate communities.. Job Description: The church is looking for an Associate Pastor who loves the Lord Jesus and His church, has theological credentials, enjoys working in a cross-cultural and inter-denominational…

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