Organisation Description: This organisation offers support, advocacy and assistance for refugees living in a capital city in the Middle East. Job Description: You will serve refugees by giving support in the office with tasks such as updating databases, data entry, revising application forms and updating the website as required. The preferred minimum length of service…
Lees meerVluchtelingenwerker
Organisation Description: Workers will join an existing team, but will not be affiliated with any organisation. Job Description: The refugees need help in navigating from their past life in Afghanistan to their being in eastern Europe and probable new life in America. Part of that means listening to their stories and caring for them while…
Lees meerVoetbalcoach
Organisation Description: There are many refugee learning centres in and near the capital city that are looking for a football coach to train their students regularly. Job Description: We are looking for someone with experience in football and sports, to use sport as a way to connect with and build relationships with refugee children. Sport…
Lees meerVluchtelingen medewerker
Organisation Description: This is a non-profit, para-church organisation serving refugees in two European countries. Most of their volunteers are from a Mennonite background and are typically in their late teens or early twenties. They are committed to equipping volunteers to provide relief and hope to displaced people. Job Description: The role involves supporting the on-going…
Lees meerMultimedia medewerker
Organisation Description: We are a Christian broadcaster that exists to provide the churches and Christians of the Middle East and North Africa an opportunity to witness to Jesus Christ through inspirational, informative and educational television and digital media services. Viewers are drawn to our high-quality programming and a hope-filled view of the world. Our channels…
Lees meerJuda* werkt met lokale boeren in Noord-Afrika
Welkom op mijn storypagina! Ik ben 22 jaar en zit net tussen twee opleidingen in, waardoor ik een half jaar vrij heb. Ik ga met Interserve naar twee verschillende plekken: Noord-Afrika en later naar Duitsland. Ik was al even bezig met het bedenken van een invulling van mijn vrije halfjaar toen ik een tijdje terug…
Lees meerDocent Muziek en Kunst
Organisation Description: The education center was established to provide quality Christian education to refugees. The mission is to equip students with Biblical worldview and academic foundation to develop a personal relationship with Christ and arise as leaders for their community and the nations. In fall 2024, the center will serve 76 students from grades 1-5…
Lees meerMargriet werkt op een Grieks eiland
Hoi! Ik ben Margriet en ik ga naar een eiland in Griekenland om in een vluchtelingenkamp aan de slag te gaan. Ik geloof dat het Gods opdracht is om ons te ontfermen over onze naaste, ieder op de plek waar Hij ons roept. God heeft een zaadje in mijn hart geplant voor dit werk toen…
Lees meerEvi* gaat aan de slag in twee verschillende landen
Hallo! Leuk dat je op mijn pagina kijkt ๐ Ik ben 18 jaar en heb afgelopen jaar de middelbare school mogen afronden. Ik had al geruime tijd het plan een tussenjaar te nemen en ben via kennissen bij Interserve terecht gekomen. Binnenkort reis ik af naar het twee verschillende landen om via deze organisatie een…
Lees meerLeraar Frans
Organisation Description: The organisation started with the intention of meeting with people in a natural way, to see God’s Kingdom come in this country. They also want to bring good quality English education to the people. They are really committed and passionate about teaching English and about working with kids. They hope and pray that…
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